Resources and Links

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I have a few clinics available on YouTube:

Other clinics that I haven't done online yet:

New Haven Model Railroads

For other railroads and eras, there are links to many other model railroad layout blogs on the right-hand column of my blog.

Chris' layout and modeling are a primary inspiration, of course, but also a collaborative one since we rally started building our layouts (and websites) around the same time. I find it particularly interesting how we diverge in our approaches to what is theoretically the same goal - model the New Haven Railroad in the same era as accurately as we can.

Honorary NH Model Railroad

Hey, the O&W was once controlled by the NH.

Bill Schneider's Old Woman in the Back Bedroom (New York, Ontario & Western) from the Internet Archive.

It was an amazing layout in a small space, a lot of fun to operate, and an inspiration for my prior and current layouts. 

Bill's layout was really the biggest inspiration for my layout and my modeling approach. One of several layouts I operated when designing the layout, and really showed me what you can accomplish (and how) when prototype modeling. As I was continuing to look for a place to model, an old photo of New Britain Yard in front of the station reminded me of of Bill's layout, where a lot of the action takes place in a compact location. 

His new layout is continued inspiration, and I hope he starts a new blog or site to share that one.

Prototype Railroad Sources

Here's a list of sites I reference frequently for prototype information on the New Haven Railroad, and railroads during my era in general.

The Shoreliner is essential, of course, and the forum is too.

CT and New Britain Sources 

These are primary sources for CT and New Britain.

1% Waybill Analyses

Each year a study of 1% of all railroad waybills is compiled for various reporting purposes.

 Railroad Historical Society Modeling Magazines